Section: Dissemination


  • J.J. Fuchs gives the following courses:

    • Master Research 2 SISEA: Optimization and sparse representations

    • Master of Science in Electronics and Telecommunications in the Joint International Program of the University of Rennes 1 and the SouthEast University of China (Nanjing): Advanced Signal Processing in the International

  • C. Guillemot gives the following courses:

    • Engineering degree, Enic, Villeneuve-d'Ascq: Video communication (13.5 hours)

    • Master Recherche 2 Informatique (Computer Science), Univ. of Rennes 1: Image and video compression, (12 hours)

    • Master Recherche 2 SISEA, University Rennes 1, Image and video compression, (22 hours)

  • L. Guillo gives the following courses:

    • Engineering degree, DIIC, University Rennes 1, Video streaming;

    • Master, Network Engineering, university of Rennes 1;

  • O. Le Meur gives the following courses:

    • Engineering degree Diic3-inc , Visual communication, 65 hours, Univ. of Rennes 1, France

    • Engineer degree ESIR2, Image Processing, video analysis and compression, 54 hours, Univ. of Rennes 1, France

    • Master 2 Psychologie de la cognition, Psychologie des processus cognitifs, Mesure et modelisation: Selective visual attention: from experiments to computational models, 9 hours, University of Paris 8

    • Master 2 MITIC: Acquisition/Image Processing/Compression, 15 hours, Univ. of Rennes 1, France

  • A. Roumy gives the following courses:

    • Magistère program: Information Theory, Computer science and telecommunications, 9 hours, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, Ker Lann campus, France;

    • Engineering degree, DIIC, Video streaming, 3 hours, Univ. of Rennes 1, France.

    • Master 2 MITIC, Acquisition/Image processing/Compression, 11 hours, Univ. rennes 1.

PhD & HdR :

  • PhD : Ana Charpentier, Identification de copies de documents multimédia grâce aux codes de Tardos, University of Rennes 1, 21 Oct. 2011, T. Furon and C. Fontaine

  • PhD : Jonathan Taquet, Techniques avancées pour la compression d'images médicales, University of Rennes 1, 21 Oct. 2011, C. Labit (HDR)

  • PhD : Mehmet Turkan, New texture synthesis methods: application to image prediction and inpainting, University of Rennes 1, 19 Dec. 2011, C. Guillemot (HDR)

PhD and HDR committees outside the team:

  • J.J. Fuchs has been member of the jury of the PhD thesis of:

    • P. Sudhakara Murthy , University of Rennes 1, 21/02/2011

    • S. Yameogo, University of Rennes 1, 30/09/2011

    • Q. Duong, University of Rennes 1, 15/11/2011

  • C. Guillemot has been member of the jury of the PhD thesis of:

    • L. Blondé, INSA-University of Rennes 1, 19/01/2011

    • Ho Lee, Liris, University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, 22/06/2011

    • V. Thirumalai, EPFL, Lausanne, 07/12/2011

  • C. Labit has been member of the jury of the PhD thesis of:

    • M. Moinard, TelecomParistech, 01/07/2011

  • O. Le Meur has been member of the jury of the PhD thesis of:

    • Matia Pizzoli, University of Rome, Nov. 2011.

  • A. Roumy has been examiner of the PhD thesis of:

    • I. Hadj Kacem, Ecole Nationale Ingénieur de SFAX, Sfax, Tunisia, July 6th, 2011.